spa1 > 在线收藏 > Follis - cheap coin from Roman Empire decline time (20钱币)
The Roman follis was a large bronze coin introduced in about 294 with the coinage reform of Diocletian. It weighed about 10 grams and was about 4% silver, mostly as a thin layer on the surface. The word follis means bag (usually made of leather) in Latin, and there is evidence that this term was used in antiquity for a sealed bag containing a specific amount of coins. It is also possible that the coin was named Follis because of the ancient Greek word "φολίς" meaning a thin layer of metal which covers the surface of various objects, since originally, this coin had a thin layer of silver on top. By the time of Constantine, the follis was smaller and barely contained any silver. A series of Constantinian bronzes was introduced in the mid-4th century, although the specific denominations are unclear and debated by historians and numismatists. They are referred to as AE1, AE2, AE3 and AE4, with the former being the largest (near 27 mm) and the latter the smallest (averaging 15 mm) in diameter.


1 Follis / AE3 拜占庭帝国 青铜 瓦伦斯

1 Follis / AE3 拜占庭帝国 青铜 瓦伦斯

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦丁大帝

1 Follis / AE3 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦提烏斯二世

1 Follis 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦丁大帝

1 Follis / AE1 羅馬帝國 青铜 尤利安
4 钱币

1 Follis 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦丁大帝

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦提烏斯二世
2 钱币
1 Follis,Roman Empire,AE4,330 - 331,Constantius II,

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦斯一世

1 Follis / AE2 Western Roman Empire (28 ...

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦丁大帝

1 Follis / AE3 Western Roman Empire (28 ...

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦丁大帝

1 Follis / AE4 羅馬帝國 青铜

1 Follis / AE2 Western Roman Empire (28 ...

1 Follis / AE3 Western Roman Empire (28 ...

1 Follis / AE1 羅馬帝國 青铜 尤利安
2 钱币

1 Follis / 1 AE3 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦提烏斯二世
5 钱币
1 Follis,Roman Empire,323 - 324,Constantius II,

1 Follis / AE3 羅馬帝國 青铜 君士坦提烏斯二世

1 Follis / AE2 羅馬帝國 青铜 Theodosius I (34 ...